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Starting in 2022, players will make payments directly to Newton Metrowest Basketball through our TeamSnap app. The fee for teams with 12 players is $695 per player. If, with permission of the coordinator, a coach has a smaller roster, there will be TeamSnap registration links available to collect more money per player.



Starting in 2022, all referees will be paid by the league. Coaches are not responsible for paying referees at games.



The only expenses not covered by the team payment are equipment and tournaments.



Prior to tryouts, all players must register by clicking the Registration tab on this website. Players who do not register will be ineligible to play.  A parent will need to agree to the waiver on the registration page. 


Coaches will also need to register their team roster on at before the start of the season.  Go to the coach log-in area on the main page.  Rosters must be complete and locked by December 31 to participate in playoffs. DO NOT LOCK YOUR ROSTER UNTIL THE FIRST GAME.



E-mail the name, e-mail address and mobile phone number of your assistant coaches to the coordinator.  Contact info for all coaches in all towns is available to coaches on the Metrowest (not Newton) website.

All coaches, assistant coaches and managers must complete a CORI form.



Playing time is determined by each coach, but Newton Metrowest Basketball encourages that each player receive roughly equal playing time during the regular season. This may vary due to a number of factors including attendance at practices, positional needs, competition, fouls, injuries and other factors. Players may play more in some games and less in others. All teams make the playoffs so "making the playoffs" is not a reason for a less developed player to receive less playing time. Playing time concerns should be expressed to the coach. During the playoffs, coaches may "play to win," but all players are expected to receive meaningful playing time, including entering the game in each half.


Metrowest generally follows high school rules.  However, there are exceptions – particularly for the younger age groups.  Please see for a complete list of rules. 



Newton has a reputation for outstanding sportsmanship.  Coaches, players and parents are expected to support their teams and be respectful to opponents and officials.  Parents and spectators should refrain from coaching or officiating from the sidelines.  It is the coaches' job to quiet Newton spectators, if necessary.  Any problems should be reported to the Newton coordinators.



It is strongly recommended that you consider a pre-season tournament.  You will find a list on the web site at  This will be updated throughout the season.  Archived tournaments from past years are also listed.



Uniform shirts are sold at All Sports Wear in Newton Highlands. The league assigns numbers to all 4th grade and new teams.  Coaches of returning teams are responsible for assigning numbers to new players and notifying All Sports Wear of any new number assignments by emailing them at  The numerals 6, 7, 8 and 9 may not be used.  If players wear a shirt under the uniform, it must be black (away) or white (home).  Orange shirts are not allowed. 


For home games, coaches must provide a scoreboard operator and official scorer (with scorebook).  Please make sure to train a few parents. Scorers are not to coach or cheer during the game. For away games, provide a scorer with a scorebook to work with the official scorer.  There should be no more that 3 coaches on the bench.

The home coach is responsible for the behavior and safety of players, referees and spectators.  Please make sure that your players and spectators display appropriate sportsmanship.

* At the Boys and Girls Club please keep everyone out of all areas of the Club except the gym
and bathrooms. Help us (and ask parents to assist) in keeping people out of other areas,
  including the game room. There will be a gym monitor on duty to assist.

* At Oak Hill there is limited bleacher space. Keep your team and the visiting team outside of
  the gym until the prior game is over.

* At all gyms, keep all non-players off the floor including during time outs and between quarters.


* Home and away, have your players clean the bench area after each game.



Coaches are responsible for reporting their scores, both home and away, on the Metrowest website.  Use your coach log in.  Please report scores on the day of the game.



If Newton schools are closed, games at Oak Hill and Bigelow will not be played.  The Newton Schools Weather Hotline is 617-559-9020.  Even if Newton Schools are closed, games at the Boys and Girls Club will be played unless you are notified that the Boys and Girls Club is closed. 


Metrowest policy allows the visiting team to decide if it is safe to travel.  If bad weather is expected, be in touch with the opposing coach on Saturday.  You are strongly advised to make every effort to play because rescheduling can be very complicated.  Decisions should be made at least two hours in advance, but don’t make a decision just based on a weather forecast.  Try to wait to see if travel is possible.  If you must cancel an away game, your only responsibility is to communicate with the opposing coach.  If a home game is cancelled by the opposing coach, please e-mail Andrew Miller ( and he will notify the referees.



If Newton Schools are closed, public schools will not be available for practices.  The Newton Schools Weather Hotline is 617-559-9020.  Even if Newton Schools are closed, practices at other locations will be held unless you are notified.



If you need to make-up an away game, contact the opposing coach and provide 3-4 times that your team would be available.  You do not need to notify a Newton COordinator unless there is a problem.


If you need to make-up a home game, contact Andrew Miller arrange for referees and, if necessary, space.  It is often not possible to find space other than your practice time.  Referees generally need to be ordered at least a week in advance.  Whenever possible, we try to schedule back to back games to avoid referee single game premiums.



Newton Metrowest Basketball owns a portable scoreboard that is available for make-up games (contact Ted if you need to borrow it).



  • Have a parent available to assist you at the sign in table outside the gym.  Players should all be pre-registered.

  • It is helpful to have several evaluators available.  Parents with children in the group (other than the head coaches) should not be evaluators.  Most coaches find it helpful to have someone else run the drills and scrimmages so that it is easier for the coach to observe the players. A sample evaluation form is attached here.  

  • Each player is typically assigned a random number so that you (and outside evaluators) can evaluate players and take notes.  We have 2 sets of numbered, reversable pinnies. You should assign a pinnie to each player at the sign-in table.

  • If you have the second (7:30) tryout at Brown, KEEP THE KIDS OUT OF THE GYM IN THE HALL UNTIL THE FIRST TRYOUT IS DONE.  If you have the first tryout, get the kids and parents out of the gym before 7:30.

  • Bring balls, whistles, clipboards and pens.

  • Speak to the kids at the beginning and introduce the coaches.  Tell them what you plan to do.  Make new kids feel welcome.

  • Speak to kids and parents at the end.  Consider bringing a treat.  Make it fun, not stressful. 

  • Players are expected to be at both tryouts, but sometimes they will need to be evaluated based on one tryout.  Use your judgment. 

  • Your team should be selected and all players notified within 24 hours after your final tryout. 

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